What if You Could Transform Conflict Into Collaboration?
We’ve all been there – something happens that pushes your buttons, and frustration begins to seep in. You might tell yourself a story about why the other person is acting in ways that seem intentionally insensitive or disrespectful. And that story will likely put fuel on your fire. Worse yet, believing your story could lead you to act in ways that create combustion.
And before you know it, you’re in a full-blown conflict.
This week’s article, A Matter of Style – How to Turn Conflict into Collaboration, just published in Brainz Magazine, will help you to prevent this kind of conflict from emerging. You’ll learn five specific tips to transform situations wrought with frustration into opportunities for creating cooperation and synergy.
And if you’re interested in learning more about how to best connect, communicate and collaborate with others, go to LearnYourStyle.com to take a two-minute quiz that’ll determine what is likely your most dominant behavioral style. Along with your results, I’ll send you information about your unique style and tips on how you can leverage it to maximize your effectiveness, influence, and impact.
Here’s to making the best of situations that may otherwise bring out the worst!
P.S. – Did you catch last week’s Doodly video on how to better understand and work with people’s differing styles? If not, you can watch it here.