You Don’t Need to Have It All Figured Out to Live Your Dream
Are you dreaming big enough? If so, you may often feel overwhelmed by the seeming magnitude of what lies before you. As we entertain dreams, visions, and goals that seem so immense that they become intimidating, we must not be daunted by the seeming length or difficulty of the journey ahead. I was reminded…
Why Letting Go of the Old Helps You Succeed With the New (and How to Do It)
What is it that you are longing to create in the coming year? And what do you need to let go of to allow it to fully take root? Every year, we are encouraged to set New Year’s resolutions. We are a goal-driven society that is conditioned to seek more. Our egos desire more…
Ringing in the New Year: Why Looking Back is as Vital as Looking Ahead
There is something magical about being at the threshold of a new year. It’s like climbing to the top of a long staircase to find yourself on a landing, standing before a large glimmering door just waiting to be opened. As you look down, you realize how far you have climbed to get here.…
How to de-Grinchify your holidays (and your life)
Every December my family and I watch The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. It’s fun to villainize him – the insensitive jerk who figures if he can’t be happy, no one else should either. He steals their Christmas presents, their trees, stockings and decorations – even their food. And then he is baffled that even without all their “stuff” Christmas still comes. As he watches…
How Going Backwards Can Help You Move Forward
“I can’t believe I did that (again).” I hear that often from clients who are intent on changing a behavior or habit they’ve realized is getting in their way. And of course, I’ve said it myself. But for anyone who has uttered those words, I have good news. If you’ve caught yourself (even after…
How to Transform Overwhelm and Frustration into Enthusiasm and Engagement
Imagine finding yourself face down on the concrete being pummeled by some kind of hard object every thirty seconds or so. You’re agitated and a little resentful – and you may feel like a bit of a victim. And then suppose you lift your head and notice that the concrete you are lying on…
How to Unlock the Power of Gratitude
Gratitude allows us to interrupt, if only for a moment, what seems like a perpetual condition of restless yearning. From such an early age, we become conditioned to always look for more – to achieve more, to have more, to become more. With such an orientation, even the fruits of our labor are not…
Lighthouses and Leaders: How to Live Better and Lead Brighter
I’ve always been drawn to lighthouses. And this summer we traveled to visit one of my favorites… But this trip was unlike previous visits – and it led me to some powerful insights about what lighthouses and leaders have in common. We look to leaders to light the way. But sometimes even the mightiest…
Don’t Let a Gut Punch Keep You Down
If you’ve ever had a major disappointment, you know it can suck the wind right out of you, just like a gut punch. It can also steal your attention and energy and keep it fixated on something you likely have little or no control over. And that has far worse consequences. Getting the wind…
The thrill of the game – in work and life
If you’ve ever played video games, you know that the fun is advancing to the next level. Overcoming the obstacles thrown at you unlocks new features, brings new adventures and leads you to get better at playing the game. The same is true in life, especially at work. You likely have ideas, dreams and…