A Leader’s Blueprint
“A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral.”
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Have you ever walked by a building under construction and been curious about what was being built? Perhaps there were people working diligently, each focusing on their own specific task. Maybe there were steel girders, half constructed walls, and unidentifiable objects at some stage of completion.
At first glance, it may appear chaotic and messy. But amidst the sawdust and cement blocks there is something that pulls it all together. Though we may not know exactly what is being built, over time the construction begins to take shape and we start to recognize a room here, and another there. And then we may begin to surmise the purpose and function of each room.
As the walls are plastered and the paint is applied, the appearance becomes neater. And suddenly, it is completed in all its glory – a stunning compilation of raw materials, sweat, and focused action.
Perhaps we too build things in this way. It is nice to know in advance exactly what we are building. But at times things may feel chaotic, disconnected and random. We have some experiences that uplift us and others that disappoint. We may find ourselves without an explanation of why certain events and experiences are taking place.
But maybe underneath it all, there is a larger plan at work – one that will reveal itself over time. As we undertake each new experience, another wall is constructed and a new room is being built. What if we were willing to experience our lives with the same wonder and curiosity with which we look upon that building that is under construction? And what if we were able to engender that same enthusiasm and optimism in everyone around us?
Are you willing to entertain the thought that somewhere within you there is a perfect blueprint of everything your life and your leadership will bring about? And can you delight in the mystery of its gradual unfolding?
Copyright Synchronistics Coaching & Consulting 2010. All rights reserved.
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