Overcoming Perfection/Embracing Imperfection
The desire to be perfect can keep you from trying new things. Work hard to move beyond needing to constantly embody perfection.
Embracing imperfection allows you to give yourself permission to be messy in some cases. Focus on learning rather than embarrassment.
Watch this video on the benefits of embracing your imperfections and helping others in lieu of just trying to save face .
If you would like to learn more about building confidence, being authentic, and moving beyond old patterns that keep you from fully enjoying your life, check out my book, The Pinocchio Principle: Becoming a Real Leader, available at Amazon.com or BarnesandNoble.com.
Implications for Real Leaders
The Real Leader Revolution is bringing to a head the need for businesses to better tap the power and potential that exists within the people who are the lifeblood of their organizations. This energy, when properly catalyzed and harnessed, will create the kind of value that earns loyal customers, increased market share and strong, sustainable profitability.
To find out more about how you can unleash this talent, energy and potential in your own organization (starting with yourself), sign up below to receive your copy of The Real Leader Revolution Manifesto as soon as it is released.