How to Advance Your Career – Even with No Opportunity in Sight
With all things being equal, what differentiates those who rise to success (and continue to achieve it over an extended period) from those who stay where they are?
That was a question Mike Ettore, Executive Leadership Coach, author of Trust-Based Leadership, and founder of Fidelis Leadership Group, asked me on his podcast recently. The seven-minute clip below features my answer as well as Mike’s thoughts on the best way to advance. Click below to listen in.
Here is a summary of the tips and take-a-ways:
- Take the time to build solid relationships. Seek people out, ask a lot of questions, and get advice. Listen deeply and learn as much as you can from them.
- Relate to people in a way that makes them feel valued and supported. Make it clear you have their best interests in mind. Be completely present. Give people your full attention.
- Make the success of others just as, if not more important than your own. Be humble and service oriented. Find ways to contribute – even the smallest gestures can go a long way.
- Be curious. Learn about what others believe are unmet needs – for both individuals and the organization as a whole. Gather information that allows you to identify emerging challenges and opportunities, and what can be done to address them.
- Create opportunities instead of waiting for them to emerge. Determine how you can utilize your own unique blend of talent, experience, passion and energy to address unmet needs as well as emerging challenges and opportunities. Show resourcefulness and ingenuity.
- Be patient and persevere. The connections and conversations you have with people will position you as someone who is a service-oriented team player that is serious about contributing to the success of the organization. When consistent and thoughtful, your initiative can put you at the top of a candidate list before a job opening is ever even publicized.
Listen to this podcast interview in its entirety here. Many thanks to Mike Ettore for including me among his esteemed guests.