Sometimes Falling Back Allows You to Move Forward

Do you ever find yourself falling back into old habits, despite your efforts to break free of them?

When you become aware of a behavior that is no longer serving you, catching yourself engaging in it despite that knowledge can be particularly frustrating.

But I believe it’s worth celebrating. Why?

Because now you are no longer acting on autopilot.

The beauty of a habit is that you can get to the point of doing something without ever having to think about it. That works great when you are trying to take better care of yourself – work out more, eat healthier, do something that allows you to grow in some way.

But when you are engaging in a habit that is not serving you, you are unwittingly sabotaging yourself – UNTIL you realize what you are doing.

When you begin to become aware of a habit that is no longer aligned with what you most want, the awareness in and of itself will begin to free you.

You may fall back into old patterns, but the fact that you realized it – and that it was PAINFUL will reduce the chances you’ll continue to repeat it.

You will have interrupted the automatic nature of the behavior to insert a pause. And in that pause, you can connect to yourself and reaffirm what you most want.

The first step to making a change is awareness. And sometimes that awareness is of what is no longer working. When that awareness is painful, it’ll increase the chances that you’ll make a different choice next time – one that will be far more satisfying.

So don’t beat yourself when you fall into old habits. Sometimes backward movements allow you build up the power and intention to propel you forward with greater force and momentum.

Here’s to falling forward!

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