Category Archives: Boosting Creativity, Productivity & Effectiveness

The thrill of the game – in work and life


If you’ve ever played video games, you know that the fun is advancing to the next level.

Overcoming the obstacles thrown at you unlocks new features, brings new adventures and leads you to get better at playing the game.

The same is true in life, especially at work.

You likely have ideas, dreams and visions that call to you – whether advancing your career, launching a new project, or making a bigger difference. Every day gives you a new opportunity to reach a little higher and get a little closer.

What if you could approach your personal and work challenges with the same enthusiasm and vigor you might bring to advancing to the next level in a video game?

In real life it’s far too easy to get lured into playing small and staying where you’re at. We don’t intend to do that, of course. Our intentions are often grand. But a myriad of reasons keep us from acting on them.

  • We don’t give ourselves permission to dream big (and to pursue those dreams)
  • We’re too busy doing things that could/should really be delegated to others
  • We don’t know where (or how) to start
  • We fear we don’t have what it takes (and stay in our comfort zones instead)
  • We’re waiting for the right opportunity (instead of creating one)
  • We worry there’s too much to lose if we “fail” (and forget what’s at stake if we don’t try)

Anytime you endeavor to do anything worthwhile, you will meet with resistance.

And while this resistance may take the form of actual obstacles, often it’s our own fear that is the most formidable of them. Because this fear makes the roadblocks appear much more imposing and immovable than they really are.

The good news is that any obstacle you impose upon yourself is within your power to overcome. You must simply decide what you want is more important than your fear. Acting on that courage unlocks something within yourself in much the same way that advancing to the next level of a video game gives you superpowers you didn’t have at the previous level.

It’s true that you have a lot more to lose in real life than you do in video games, but most of the things people are afraid of are far less likely and impactful than the consequences of holding out on the visions and dreams most precious to them.

That’ll kill you silently over time and suck the joy out of living.

A funny thing happens when you muster up the courage to act despite your fear, doubts and resistance. You gain the confidence and competence necessary to respond to challenges in ways you never thought you could, and the resilience to bounce back from any setback and start again.

And you learn and accomplish things that dramatically improve the quality of your own life as well as everyone around you.

Once you learn to work through your fear and other obstacles, you inspire others to do the same.

Every great accomplishment is a result of someone moving through their resistance to go beyond what they’ve done before and achieve what many never dreamed possible.

Let purpose reignite your progress


Have you ever had a really hard time getting something done? Something big?

When you’re up against a large task or project, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the details and magnitude of what is before you. And when the project you’re working on requires you to do something new and uncomfortable, it often elicits fear, frustration, and anxiety.

In what is often an unconscious attempt to regain control, we are easily lulled into doing things that we know will be easier and potentially more enjoyable.

Some tasks don’t really need to get done right now (or ever) or should really be delegated to others, but we often prefer those. And then there are the popular time-wasters: surfing the web, making idle conversation, cleaning out your inbox, or my personal favorite – making more lists of everything you think must get done and identifying all the steps you need to take.

That is actually a great thing to do when you’re focused, but in procrastination mode, it becomes planning to plan (and then plan some more) until you have a rock-solid strategy that you never actually execute.

It may feel like you are spinning your wheels – running faster than ever but not getting anywhere.

To break out of that crazy cycle, take some time to revisit your purpose or the larger mission or goal behind what you are doing.

  • Get clear about what (or who) the work is for.
  • Identify how it will improve the quality of life for yourself or those around you.
  • Reflect on the degree to which it will contribute to something greater or allow you to achieve a meaningful goal.

Write it down.

Add to it as you think of additional bonuses. Then, sit for a moment and see if you can envision what it would feel like to satisfy that larger purpose, vision, or goal. See if you can feel it so clearly that you are actually grateful for it.

This simple act will help you reconnect with something inside you that will propel you beyond the minutia. It will give you the courage and strength to walk through your fear or resistance to do something you may not be so good at yet. And it will help you to get back to the joy that comes through the process as well as the attainment of the end goal.

When you approach things this way, all you do will be instilled with a new energy one that uplifts, delights, and inspires.

Whatever you experience as you work on a project will be what people feel when they partake of the fruit of your efforts. The more you remember this, the more you’ll experience the satisfaction and gratification of having done something truly meaningful that lifts you out of the humdrum and into a place of brilliance.

And all who encounter your work will be better off because of it.


Make the most of your mishaps


We all experience our share of mishaps. But with patience and ingenuity, you can turn those setbacks into springboards. This video provides 3 examples of how it’s done. It marks the last day in the countdown to the kickoff of The Pinocchio Principle Unleashed Fast Track launching on 9/20.It’s an excerpt from one of the video lessons in the program.

If you’re thinking about attending, it’s not too late to register. Get more information and save your seat at For alumni or group enrollment, email us at

How to keep life’s obstacles from stopping you

Imagine that you’re cruising along in your car headed smoothly toward your destination. And then traffic slows to a stop.

Is there an accident ahead? Construction? Some other impediment?

No worries. Your GPS has an alternate route that’ll get you exactly where you need to go.

What if you could find your way around life’s roadblocks with the same ease and efficiency as your GPS system?

You can!

The video below will show you how. It marks Day 2 in the countdown to the kickoff of The Pinocchio Principle Unleashed Fast Track launching on 9/20…

It’s an excerpt from one of the video lessons in the program. If you’re thinking about attending, it’s not too late to register. Get more information and save your seat at For alumni or group enrollment, email us at

Are you on autopilot?


The beauty of a habit is that it allows you to take automatic action without thinking all that much about it. Unfortunately, that is also the DOWNSIDE.

More about that in this video – which marks Day 4 in the countdown to the kickoff of The Pinocchio Principle Unleashed Fast Track launching on 9/20…

This week, pay attention to what automatic behaviors and patterns you are falling into, and notice to what degree they are helping or hindering you.

If you’d like some support unlearning old habits and patterns and swapping them out for something more aligned with your desired results, consider joining me the next seven Fridays from 1 to 2:30 pm EDT for The Pinocchio Principle Unleashed Fast Track.

The program is a compilation of tools, techniques and approaches my most successful executive coaching clients have utilized over the years. It’s designed to help high achieving (and often overextended) executives rise above old habits and patterns and lead from a Genius mindset.

In addition to the group meetings, the program includes lifetime access to seven modules of video and audio content and bonus access to my Navigating Change, Challenge & Uncertainty self-study.

Get more information and save your seat at For alumni or group enrollment, email us at

5 Phases for Unleashing Genius


Sometimes growth presents itself in ways that make us uncomfortable. The things that used to work may no longer be effective (and in some cases begin to work against you). You begin to recognize a desire within yourself for something more – more meaning, more fulfillment, more connection, more impact… and perhaps a whole new way of experiencing your work and your life.

I believe these are signs that you’re ready to more fully live from that wiser, greater part of yourself that I like to call Genius.

To mark Day 9 in countdown to the kickoff of The Pinocchio Principle Unleashed Fast Track launching on September 20, I wanted to share the Five Phases of Unleashing Genius that I teach in the program.

It all starts with awareness and desire. Watch the video to learn how to navigate each of these five phases to move confidently toward what you most want in your work and your life.

And if you’d like more support, consider joining me in this 7-week leadership development program, designed to help high-achieving (and often overextended) executives break out of limiting habits and patterns and lead from a Genius mindset.

It’s a compilation of approaches, techniques and tools that my most successful executive coaching clients have utilized over the years. Through a combination of video and live training and coaching, you’ll learn to rise above stress and pressure and take your performance to the next level – while enjoying your life more both on and off the job.

Get more information and save your seat at Enroll with a friend or colleague and you’ll both save $500. Email us at for group or alumni registration.

Here’s to your success!


P.S. Have you already been through The Pinocchio Principle Unleashed program? Alumni are eligible to re-enroll at a special rate.

Make your Fridays fountainheads for progress


Ahhh Friday – a day that marks the end of the week and the beginning of the weekend. It’s a time we instinctively want to slow down a bit and enjoy things a little more.

And it’s a great day to zoom out, connect the dots of your experiences – take stock of what you’ve accomplished over the week and zero in on what you’ll tackle in the coming week after you’ve had a little rest and relaxation.

Taking the time to do that is one of the most valuable ways to leverage the progress you’ve made and ensure you can continue to build on it.

But that’s often easier said than done. If you ever feel you can’t afford to slow down because you have too many balls in the air, you might forfeit that opportunity and just keep moving.

And the problem with that is if you continue that pattern, it’ll perpetuate a way of thinking and acting that’ll run you into the ground.

Because you can only do that so long before it catches up to you and begins to impact not only your energy and ability to enjoy your work, but also your effectiveness. You risk getting to the point where you are running like mad, but not really getting anywhere near where you want to go.

As you connect the dots, you learn from your experiences how to most effectively use your time… what to continue doing, and what to tweak.

If you can reflect on some of your experiences, you can also gain valuable insight into what you can do differently next time to be more effective.

And as you check in with your vision and desired future you can ensure that the steps your taking are going to get you there – and make any necessary course corrections.

So, I challenge you to start using your Fridays as fountainheads for progress. Even just designating thirty minutes can make a significant impact. You can begin today.

And if you’d like some support in making that a consistent practice, consider joining me for The Pinocchio Principle Unleashed Fast Track kicking off on Friday September 20.

Every Friday for seven weeks you’ll have the opportunity to engage with like-minded people who are learning approaches for leveraging their progress, overcoming old limiting habits and beliefs, and bridging the gap between where they are and where they want to be.

You’ll also have lifetime access to seven video modules of powerful and practical content that will be covered each week.

Today marks day 14 in the countdown to kickoff! You can get more information and save your seat at Email for group or alumni enrollment.

Three quick tips for unleashing your Genius



Michelangelo once said, “The masterpiece is already in the marble.”

The same is true for each of us. Our chief task as leaders is to chip away at the stuff that surrounds the masterpiece… habits, patterns, and approaches that no longer work – and inaccurate beliefs about yourself, others, and what’s possible.

But how do you do that? For Day 15 of the countdown to the September 20 launch of The Pinocchio Principle Unleashed Fast Track, below are some tips taught in the program that’ll help you unearth your GENIUS by chipping away at the extraneous stuff that keeps you from accessing it.


You’re bound to fall into old habits and patterns but the more you become aware of them, the less compelling they become. At first you may not catch yourself until after the fact, but over time you will find you can interrupt the cycle sooner and ultimately choose a different response altogether.


The next time you have an experience that doesn’t go the way you’d like it to, replay it in your mind and try to identify the role you played in it. Ask yourself what you would do differently next time.

Then envision what that would look and feel like if you were to have the same situation, but a more favorable response. In this way, you can allow your experiences to teach and mold you into something better – even the ones that are less than optimal.


You are not your thoughts, your patterns, or your habits. You are much bigger than that. Once you are aware of how those things are operating in your life, you free yourself up to choose new ones. Rather than chipping away at the marble, you’ll begin to grow from within it, busting through the constraints that no longer hold you captive.

Instead of dwelling on your limitations, focus on your strengths. Instead of putting your attention on the things you don’t want to see, identify with what you do want and recognize that you have the ability to achieve it.

As you begin to clear the debris from your view, you’ll see things in a whole different light – including the people you lead. They are far more likely to take their cues from your actions than your words. And when you begin to help them identify with their masterpieces too, there is nothing you cannot achieve.

If you’re interested in additional strategies for inspiring and motivating yourself and others to higher levels of performance and impact – as well as greater fulfillment both on and off the job, come join me in the Pinocchio Principle Unleashed Fast Track, kicking off on 9/20.

This 7-week leadership development program includes video and live training as well as coaching that’ll help you break out of limiting patterns of habit and thought and lead from a Genius mindset. Get more information and reserve your seat at Email for group or alumni enrollment.

Master Your Mindset and Achieve Your Grandest Visions


Imagine that you’ve stepped into your car, turned the key, and shifted into drive. You’ve got your destination in mind, have charted a course to get there and are eager to be on your way. But when you step on the gas, your car only goes a fraction of the speed you were anticipating. Frustrated, you push harder. Your engine revs, but the car doesn’t go any faster.

And then you realize you forgot to take off the parking brake.

Trying to achieve your desired state without getting into the right mindset is a lot like driving with the parking brake on. No matter how grand your vision or bulletproof your plan, it’ll impede your progress and lead to frustration.

What is mindset and why is it important to achieving a desired state?

Mindset is simply the established set of attitudes you hold toward any given thing. It’s a product of what you are believing about yourself and others, what you (or they) are capable of, and what is or isn’t possible, among other things.

Your mindset is important because it determines what you see and consider to be real. And it determines how you’ll behave as a result.

Studies show that our brains process a small percentage of the data we take in.

To make sense of what is happening around us, we focus on what we believe to be true and screen everything else out. So, if you have a belief that something isn’t possible, you’ll give far greater attention and weight to data that suggests it cannot be done than you’ll give to information, encouragement or even proof that suggests it can.

And what you will experience is a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts. As Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.”

So, it’s important to be aware of what you’re believing about the things you endeavor to create, achieve, or become – as well as what you’re believing about yourself and your ability to succeed.

Often our doubts and misgivings are the product of messages we’ve internalized without ever really examining them. When you become aware of a limiting belief and the impact it’s having on what you most want, it begins to lose its power.

And often, when you take the time to examine those beliefs you’ll realize they just aren’t true.

With practice, you can interrupt old, worn-out thoughts that aren’t aligned with your desired outcome or behavior and substitute them for new thoughts that are.

And ultimately, you’ll learn to shift over to a new way of thinking, which will propel you into a new way of acting — one that will help you get where you most want to go.

 If you’d like some support mastering your mindset, consider joining me for my 7 week leadership development program kicking off on September 20. The Pinocchio Principle Unleashed Fast Track will allow you to break out of limiting habits and patterns and lead from a genius mindset.

It’s a compilation of approaches, techniques and tools that my most successful executive coaching clients have utilized over the years. You’ll learn to rise above stress and pressure and take your performance to the next level while enjoying your life more both on and off the job.

Reserve your seat at Enroll with a friend or send a group of people from your organization and save $500 per person.

Here’s to your success!


P.S. Have you already been through the Pinocchio Principle Unleashed program? Alumni are eligible to re-enroll at a special rate of 80% off registration. And if you register with a guest, they’ll get $500 off the cost of their enrollment.

Email for group or alumni enrollment.

Is the way you’re working not really working for you?



I’ve been talking with a lot of people who feel like the way they’ve been working over the last several years just isn’t working for them anymore.  Can you relate?

Some had become accustomed to seventy and eighty-hour work weeks.  They were used to pushing through exhaustion, getting to the end of the day with nothing left in the tank, and starting the next one with very little sleep.  Their family life suffered, as well as their own sanity.

Work they once enjoyed had begun to suck the life out of them.

Covid brought things to a head for a lot of us.  We were reminded of our own mortality – of the preciousness of life, and our desire to live it fully.  It seeded a desire to seek greater freedom and fulfillment in our work and our lives and to create necessary change.

But for many (maybe even you?), there is still a compulsion to push harder even though you’ve reached a point of diminishing returns. Perhaps you’ve slipped off your groove and seem to be spinning your wheels, going faster than ever but not really getting anywhere – except more stuck.

If this is true for you, it’s not your fault.  We have been conditioned to believe the harder we work and the busier we are, the more successful we’ll be… and that slowing down to take care of ourselves is a sign of weakness.

Old habits, patterns and beliefs die hard.  But they can be replaced with better ones.

I invite you to participate in a think tank that is eager to find a better way, to unlearn old self-defeating habits and patterns and replace them with new ones, and in so doing unleash genius in yourself and others.

You can find out more about this groundbreaking 7-week leadership development program kicking off on September 20 at

Here’s what a previous participant had to say:

“I’ve really benefitted from the tools and approaches taught in The Pinocchio Principle Unleashed program and often found I was able to immediately apply a concept or tool covered in a lesson or a group meeting to something unfolding at work.  I’ve kept myself from falling into traps that used to keep me overextended and replaced old unconscious ways of working with better communication, prioritization, delegation and daily routines.

Integrating what I’ve learned in the program has also helped me stay positive and not get pulled down by things around me – and as a result have a beneficial impact on others as well. I’m living my life much more consciously and intentionally both at work and home and feeling so much happier, even as lines between work and family are becoming increasingly blurred.

I’m thrilled that people in my team have also gone through the program and will continue to do so, because I believe it’s helped us restructure and reinvigorate the way we do business to maximize our strengths and better serve our customers.”

Julie Patrick, Senior Account Executive, Employer Advocates

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