The hidden forces that keep us stuck


Did you know that even your best efforts to make change are often counteracted by equal and opposite forces that’ll keep you stuck? But once you become aware of them, you can dismantle those forces and move unobstructed into your most brilliant future.

This short video will give you a leg up on doing just that. It marks Day 16 in the countdown to the kickoff of The Pinocchio Principle Unleashed Fast Track, which launches on September 20.

If you want to deactivate the forces that are keeping you stuck, consider joining me in this 7-week leadership development program designed to help high-achieving and often overextended executives break out of limiting habits and patterns and lead from a Genius mindset.

It’s a compilation of approaches, techniques, and tools that my most successful executive coaching clients have utilized over the years. Through a combination of video and live training and coaching, you’ll learn to rise above stress and pressure and take your performance to the next level – while enjoying your life more both on and off the job.

Get more information and save your seat at Enroll with a friend or colleague and you’ll both save $500.

Here’s to your success!


P.S. Alumni are eligible to re-enroll at a small fraction of the cost. Email for alumni or group enrollment.

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