Category Archives: Navigating Through Change, Challenge & Uncertainty

Bridging the Gap Between No More and Not Yet

The above video is about a recent meeting I had with a client who is at his own crossroads and an answer that came through the meeting that I believe has relevance to anyone who finds themselves in a similar place.   Over the last few weeks it has become increasingly clear that I want to support more people who are ready to answer the call to take things up a notch and choose something bigger for themselves, their teams and organizations.

I have decided to take on seven additional leadership coaching clients.  If you are ready to get serious about moving forward, I invite you to call me at (602) 889-2329 for a complimentary thirty minute coaching session that will allow both of us to determine whether working together would be a good fit.  I have been told that I should charge for these sessions and at some point I may.  But for now, they are available at no cost.

Stay tuned for info on an intensive program I’m getting ready to launch that will integrate a small group workshop experience with private coaching and a group mastermind.  Or, give me a call and I’ll tell you about it myself.

Here’s what I said in the video:

I had a meeting with a client the other day that made a really big impact on me because he is in a place I find myself in.  And I think a lot of us are in it.  It’s what I call Limbo Land.  Limbo Land is the place you get to where everything you’ve done up until now worked beautifully.  You could think yourself through any situation.  You’ve mastered your craft.  Maybe you’ve had a lot of education or training, and several promotions and by all appearances seem to have arrived.  And yet nothing is working. Things are falling apart.

And the more you do what you’ve always done, not only the less effective you are, but the less happy and satisfied you are.  It is a point of pain that causes you to want more.   And what causes even more pain — I saw it in my client and I see it in myself — is wanting to move forward using everything that got you where you are and realizing that it is not working anymore.

rope_bridge - LB
Photo by Sean Kearney

So, the question is, how do you get from here to wherever it is you are supposed to go next?  And the frustrating thing about that is that when you are in Limbo Land is that you have NO IDEA where you are supposed to go next.  You just know that it is somewhere different than where you are now.  And it is beckoning.

Now, that’s the exciting part about it:  there’s something that is beckoning.  And when you get out of the fear, you can start to feel the exhilaration of it, which is where my client started to go yesterday.  I found myself getting really excited for him – and really excited for myself.  Because what’s just around the corner, I think, is going to blow our minds.  We just can’t figure out how to get there.

SO, in the absence of the answers, what I’m beginning to understand and rely on is that we can go do desire.   The desire is about what we want.  What do we want to move toward?

I’m finding that what excites me about moving forward is not doing things for myself anymore.  Because everything I did up to a certain point was about getting ME successful, to get ME well known, to propel MYSELF.  And it’s not enough anymore.  I want to do something that is going to help other people in some way.  I have no idea what that’s going to be.  And that’s exactly where my client is too.  It’s scary as hell.  But you know, if I can just stay in the place of what would it feel like to get there, that might be enough to help me overcome my fear, and to power on and to do something I never realized I could do.  

How about you?

Why I Can’t Promote My New Book Just Yet



I almost didn’t post the above video.  It’s personal.  And it was recorded in a fragile moment.  But then I remembered how comforted I have felt by messages from people who were courageous enough to talk about the challenges and frustrations they were working through.  And I decided, the hell with it.  I’m going to put the video up.  If it lifts the hearts of just one or two people, it’ll be worth it.

If you’ve ever been in a spot where, despite having access to an overwhelming amount of information and people that seem to have it all figured out, you just can’t seem to find any answers — know that you are not alone.  And please also know, that you too will find your way.


Here is the written version of what I said in the video:

PinocchioPrinciplePeople have been asking me, What have you done to promote your book?  Do you have a publicist?  Are you going on tour?

I wrote this book — The Pinocchio Principle: Becoming the Leader You Were Born to Be.  It took me six years to write it.  It’s been out for three months.  And I can’t get myself to promote it.  I can’t get myself to do anything with it.  And I know that I should.

So the other day, I was watching a webcast from someone talking about how to become a best seller — how to become a trusted advisor.  And I began to fill my head with all these things I thought I should be doing.  I found myself taking copious notes.   And I got to this point where I couldn’t watch it anymore.  I had to turn it off.  Something got into me and I literally had to go cry.  And I cried so hard I almost threw up.

After all that passed, I realized that the reason that I can’t promote my book yet is that I’m looking so hard outside of myself for people to tell me what to do in an arena where I don’t feel like I have the answers.  And the irony is that the book I wrote is about how to trust your inner wisdom and how to navigate through your challenges and your uncertainty.

And so when I got done crying I had to start laughing.  Because it’s kind of funny that I actually already have the workbook I need.  It’s right here [in the book I’ve poured my heart into for the last six years].

The truth of the matter is that this book isn’t really as much for you as it is for me.  And before I can really promote it — before I can feel as though it will be of value to people, I need to live it.  And that’s what I’m going to do.

For more on finding your way:

Finding Your Answer in the Midst of Chaos
From Frustration to Fruition
Leading Through Uncertainty
Embracing Life’s Uncertainty
Enduring a Stormy State of Mind
The Pinocchio Principle: Becoming the Leader You Were Born to Be

Finding Your Answer In the Midst of Chaos

The video above was born of a desire to capture not only the feeling of frustration and chaos, but also a way to rise above it .  Below is a transcript of what I said (minus the demonstration). And at the end of the transcript are links to other resources on finding answers in the midst of chaos.

Do you ever get so frustrated that you can’t take it anymore?  Find yourself in a situation where you have NO IDEA what to do?  So mad.  All you want to do is get away.  You want to leave.  You want to escape.  But you can’t.  You’re stuck.  And the more you panic, the tighter everything gets.  The more trapped you feel.  The more angry you are.  And it gets worse.  And WORSE.

Maybe it’s a conflict — a difficult conversation.  Maybe someone just dropped a bomb on you — gave you feedback that was kind of painful.  Or maybe someone just told you to get your project done in a day instead of a week.  Maybe the rug just got pulled out from under you.  Who knows?

We have this every day.  I have this.  And the more I resist, the more I LOSE IT.  I lose my head.  I lose touch with anything that might help me get out of the situation.

But you know what?  Maybe, instead of trying to GET AWAY and make things happen just the way WE want them to, we can just relax, take a deep breath, reconnect, take another look and realize…  Hey, you know what?  It’s not as bad as I thought. I was making a lot of stuff up when I was panicking.  But when I look at it and relax — when I connect, I realize I have everything I need.

And then, I find my answer.  And so will you.

For more information on finding answers in the midst of chaos:

Miracles in DisguisePinocchioPrinciple
From Frustration to Fruition
Embracing Life’s Uncertainty
Busting Out of the Box
Enduring a Stormy State of Mind
Embracing Life’s Uncertainty
The Pinocchio Principle: Becoming the Leader You Were Born to Be

Bouncing Back: Hope for the Hopeless

Have you experienced a disappointment or setback in your recent past that left you reeling? Have you found it difficult to get excited about things and maybe even felt like you needed to make a drastic change in order to bounce back?  If so, this week’s video post is just for you.  Below is a written version of what is in the video.

If you live in Phoenix, you may have noticed that a lot of shrubbery and trees froze over the winter.  They look like they are dead — all dried up and prickly – ugly.  I have a bougainvillea in my back yard that froze  — not a pretty sight.  It’s tempting to pull the whole thing out.   Because it looks like it is dead.  But I know that it is not, because this has happened in the past. And I know that once we trim all the dead stuff off, in the coming weeks, it will come back fuller and even more beautiful than it was last year.

That bougainvillea is a lot like us.  I think a lot of us have experienced what we would call a freeze in our lives at some point – maybe a layoff, a reorganization, or just having the rug pulled out from under you, where you think that nothing is the way you want it to be and you wonder how you will ever recover.  And I think some of us have been in a freeze for a really long time.  We’ve lost the passion in what we do.  We’ve lost the lightness in our step and maybe things have become a bit of a drudge.

You may think you have to change everything to bounce back, just like you might think you have to pull this tree out.  But really, there is wisdom in realizing that sometimes we have the opportunity to trim the dead stuff away and to recognize that there is something underneath it just waiting to break through.  And the freeze is neither good, nor bad.  It just is.  Whatever it is that may have happened to you or me in our past — it’s not good, it’s not bad — it just is.  What we need to realize that there is something within needing to break though and we have an opportunity to trim away the stuff that isn’t working anymore and have faith that in the spring we will bloom fuller, brighter and bigger than we did before.

For more on bouncing back:

Miracles in Disguise

From Frustration to Fruition

Bringing Leadership to Life

Leading Through UncertaintyPinocchioPrinciple

Embracing Life’s Uncertainty

Bouncing Back: Perserverance Personified

Leaping Into the Unknown

The Pinocchio Principle: Becoming the Leader You Were Born to Be

How Do You Know If It’s Really a Sign?

My last couple of posts (A Story about Signs, Synchronicity & Meaningful Coincidences and Another Story about Signs, Synchronicity & Meaningful Coincidences) featured videos about experiences I had that gave me the courage I needed to take action toward something that I was excited about and a little scared of.  The signs were clear and empowering.  But sometimes we get signs or have experiences that are not so supportive or uplifting.  And other times the signs we get are conflicting.  What do you make of THAT?

Well, on that note, I have another story to tell you.  Shortly after I gave my notice six years ago to leave my cushy job and start my own business, I met some friends/colleagues for dinner and was excited to tell them the news of my recent decision.   I was still reeling from the sudden turn of events and though I was thrilled about the leap I had just taken, I was also feeling a bit nervous and vulnerable (as most people do when they move out of their comfort zones).  I was hoping that they would give me added encouragement and support.

Unfortunately, they did not.  In fact, they were quite adamant with their cautionary tales about several people they knew who had left their stable jobs only to find themselves barely scraping by and lamenting their decisions.  GREAT.  This is NOT what I wanted to hear.  And it bothered me that two people I respected and admired — who were in fact successful independent consultants in their own right — were chastising me for my decision instead of congratulating me.  (Yes, there was a little ego in there too.)

I left the restaurant feeling beaten and discouraged.  I began to question myself and doubt my abilities.  I worried that I had made a costly mistake.  Was this a sign?

The next day I went running on a canal bank near my house, which I frequently do to clear my head and tune in to something bigger than myself.  I reflected on the previous evening’s conversation.  I felt the worry well up inside of me and ran harder and faster as though I could possibly outrun it.  Did I make the right decision?

Those who sayIn the next moment, a sign caught my eye.  It was a mile marker placed on the side of the canal by a running club for people who were training for an upcoming 10K.  Beneath the number on the sign, there was a quote.  It said “Those who believe it cannot be done should get out of the way of those who are doing it.”

I felt the hair on my arms stand up.  The worry gave way to relief and then laughter.  I knew this little sign was for me.

Here’s what I learned from that.  When it is really a sign that has significance, it will resonate with your inner wisdom – not your inner critic.  It will make you feel strong, at peace, and calm.  The sign or experience itself isn’t as important as the feeling it evokes and the messages we intuit.

There have been times when I was considering a course of action that wasn’t right for me.  As I reflect on what might have been signs that confirmed an inner knowing that I should not proceed, those signs were never shameful or disparaging.  Rather, they simply heightened my awareness of an incongruence I was already experiencing on some level – kind of like the way I’ve felt after trying something on that I really wanted to wear, but just didn’t fit right, or playing the piano and landing on a note that was in the wrong key.

Sometimes I paid attention to those little signs, and sometimes I didn’t — perhaps a story for another post.  Suffice it to say that when I paused long enough to ask, listen, and really discern what was going on, it made all the difference in the world.

For more information on Signs, Synchronicity and Meaningful Coincidences:

A Story About Signs, Synchronicity and Meaningful Coincidences

   Deciphering Signs, Synchronicity and Meaningful Coincidences

Another Story About Signs, Synchronicity and Meaningful Coincidences

The Pinocchio Principle: Becoming the Leader You Were Born to BePinocchioPrinciple

Another Story About Signs, Synchronicity & Meaningful Coincidences

This week’s post features a video of an even more unbelievable story than the last one I shared with you —  about a series of seemingly random and recurring events that had a profound impact on me. These experiences provided the courage and the nudge I needed to take action on something that simultaneously excited and terrified me —  leaving my stable, well paid job to launch my dream of having my own business. Below is a written version of the story (as it appears in my new book The Pinocchio Principle: Becoming the Leader You Were Born to Be), minus a few details I added in the above video version.

For years I worked as an internal consultant and executive coach for a large corporation in a job I loved. Gradually, I began to recognize my longing to break out to start my own business and have more flexibility and time to spend with my family. Initially, I dismissed these yearnings as something everyone encounters. Then I began looking into what it would take to actually start a corporation. Though I daydreamed of the possibilities, the thought of leaving my job altogether seemed impractical since I was enjoying my work and had wonderful working conditions. I reasoned that I would stay there unless things changed to the point that I didn’t enjoy it anymore.

I kept waiting for things to take a turn for the worse — for someone to tell me I couldn’t do the work I was passionate about anymore, or for the organization to be restructured in such a way that was no longer optimal for me. None of that happened. In fact, things just seemed to get better and better there. Still, these visions and dreams continued to beckon. They became more and more pronounced, until finally I began to seriously entertain the notion of taking action on them.

I began to find screws everywhere I went. I walked across the kitchen floor and stepped on one. An elevator opened up and I saw another one on the floor in front of me. They were turning up when I cleaned my kids’ rooms, and in other odd places. In a meeting, a co-worker and I were pouring over some documents when a tiny screw popped out of her reading glasses and landed on the papers in front of us. Initially, I didn’t think anything of finding these screws. But after several occurrences, I became curious as to whether there could be significance.

One day while on the phone with a very good friend, I related my experiences. “Maybe you’re screwed,” she joked. “Or I have a few screws loose?” I retorted. She suggested we look up the definition of a screw in the dictionary. As she went to get her dictionary, I wandered around the house, phone in hand, straightening things up. When she came back to the phone, among the many definitions she read was one that said “something that must be turned or acted upon in some manner.” As she said the words, I reached into the small drawer of a sewing table in our living room and felt my hand wrap around a zip-lock bag. I lifted the bag out of the drawer to find — you guessed it — a bag of screws in assorted sizes.

This act held profound meaning for me, as it seemed to be the crowning event of a series of seemingly coincidental incidents that became more and more pronounced until they finally got my attention. Whether it was my subconscious mind, the screws, or both, I felt sure there was a message for me. The following week, I gave my notice at work (and didn’t encounter any more screws after that).

For more information on Signs, Synchronicity and Meaningful Coincidences:

A Story About Signs, Synchronicity and Meaningful Coincidences (the first one)

   Deciphering Signs, Synchronicity and Meaningful Coincidences

The Pinocchio Principle: Becoming the Leader You Were Born to BePinocchioPrinciple

Deciphering Signs, Synchronicities and Meaningful Coincidences

My last post, A Story About Signs, Synchronicities and Meaningful Coincidences, featured a video about a series of seemingly random events that gave me needed encouragement while I was writing my book, The Pinocchio Principle.  If you didn’t catch the video, you can watch it below or click here for the last post.  I know it seems somewhat unlikely that these things actually happened, but they did.  And after talking with many others about their own experiences of this sort, I have come to believe that signs and synchronicities such as these are not all that uncommon.

Many of us simply dismiss them as random and insignificant coincidences, which is completely understandable.  It’s not all that different than having bought a car only to finally notice other cars on the road just like yours.  They were always there, but you didn’t really notice them before.  Is that a meaningful coincidence?  Well, it depends on how you look at it.  Those cars hold meaning for you after you’ve bought yours because now you identify with them.  They are no longer just other cars on the road; they are cars that are identical to the one that you most likely went through a very long process to procure for yourself.  And after buying that same model, you now have an affinity for it.  It jumps out at you because it feels good.

So when other things repeatedly catch our attention, they probably hold some kind of meaning for us as well.  We just may not realize what that meaning is.  Like my experience with finding Pinocchio memorabilia, what repeatedly catches your attention could be an object.  But it could also be a person, or a phrase.  It might be an image, or a song or even a movie that recurs. What is most important is not so much the objects or  experiences but rather what we associate with them and how these things make us feel.

Often we are so busy or preoccupied that we don’t slow down long enough to realize what these things are trying to tell us.  But when we do, we are often surprised and delighted to discover that they give credence to our deepest longings, most inspiring visions and grandest dreams — you know, the ones that beckon to us and attempt to break through all our doubt and mental chatter to show us a whole new field of possibility.  Every time I see a sign like that, I like to think of it as something or someone gently encouraging me to go stop questioning my ability and instead begin to question and move beyond my doubts.

In the next few days, pay attention to what jumps out at you.  See if there are recurring themes.  Slow down long enough to inquire into what these experiences are trying to tell you.  Move into it.  Feel it.  Even if you don’t immediately know the answer, the act of paying attention and asking the question will get you closer to finding it.  And it could be the beginning of something really big and wonderful.

Here’s that video, in case you missed it:  (if you don’t see it below, click here)

PinocchioPrincipleIn my next post, I’ll share another series of signs, synchronicities and meaningful coincidences I had that gave me the courage to finally take action toward my lifelong dream of having my own business.  If you’d like to read more on deciphering signs, synchronicities and meaningful coincidences, I’ve written a whole chapter called Navigational Tools in my new book, The Pinocchio Principle: Becoming the Leader You Were Born to Be, now available on AmazonYou can find out more at

A Story About Signs, Synchronicity and Meaningful Coincidences

Have you ever had a seemingly random experience that seemed like a coincidence, but held so much meaning for you that you had to wonder whether there was more to it?  This week’s blog post, A Story About Signs, Synchronicity and Meaningful Coincidences features a video about one of the experiences I had while writing The Pinocchio Principle: Becoming the Leader You Were Born to Be that helped me to know when it was time to rest and time to run with it.  Below is a written version of what I said in the video.

When I started writing The Pinocchio Principle, before I told anyone that I was writing it – or what it was called, I started getting Pinocchio gifts from various places.  My mother-in-law went to Italy and brought back wooden Pinocchio figurines.  My mother ended up going a few months later and brought back more puppets.  I ended up getting all kinds of Pin stuff – pencils, banks, ornaments, t-shirts.  My kids started wanting to a Pinocchio movie that had sat on the shelf for years, and an old tattered Pinocchio book was suddenly something my young daughter wanted to read over and over again.   It was the weirdest thing.

Pinocchio PencilsAnd then I began to wonder whether there was more the to Pinocchio thing than I originally thought.  I started to enjoy it and remember telling the kids that those Pinocchio pencils Grandma brought back were special and not to be  sharpened.

But there was a time when I was really busy and couldn’t find the time to write.  I didn’t even have the urge, so I shelved it for awhile — a long while.  And over time I started noticing that I wanted to write again.  I had more things to say.  By this time, my good friends knew that I was writing The Pinocchio Principle, and one of them called to tell me that she saw a billboard saying  Pinocchio was out on Blue Ray and there was all kinds of hype about it.  I thought, “This is interesting…”.

The next day, I wandered into the kitchen and saw one of the Pinocchio pencils on the counter —  sharpened.  And I knew it was time for me to write again.


The Pinocchio Principle: Becoming the Leader You Were Born to Be is now available on Amazon.  For more information or to download an excerpt, go to

A Story About a Bad Day

Ever had “one of those days?”  This week’s blog post, A Story About a Bad Day,  is about one that I had recently and the valuable lesson I gained through the experience.  Below is a written version of what I said in the video.

I was driving to a client appointment while drinking a cup of coffee.  Stopping at a light, I wedged the coffee cup into my lap and proceeded to fix my lipstick.  The light turned, I stepped on the gas, and suddenly felt the sting of hot coffee, which had spilled everywhere.  As I was getting onto the freeway I realized that I was about to go into a meeting looking like I had just peed my pants.  So I rolled all the windows down and turned the heat on full blast.  When I got to my destination, I slowly and carefully slinked to my seat carrying one bag in front of me and another behind me.

I tried to console myself with the thought that things could only improve from here.  Unfortunately, they did not.  I came home to meet a refrigerator repair man to find that it would cost more to fix my fridge than buy a new one.  Shortly after that I went to lower some blinds which came crashing down when I touched them.  I then realized that I had to get my daughter to a group photo where she was supposed to be wearing a t-shirt with a horse shoe transfer ironed onto it.  Not knowing which direction the transfer was supposed to go, I quickly pulled it out of the package, and slapped it on the t-shirt to find later that she was the only little girl with the horse shoe pointing down instead of up.  AND I had made a permanent horseshoe indentation on the built-in cabinet I just had painted because I was in too much of a hurry to put something underneath it.  On my way back, I cut the corner coming into my driveway too short and scraped my car against the retaining wall.

I decided I’d call to see if I could get the blinds fixed.  The repair woman asked me to carefully and gently un-wedge them from the wall.  At that point I told her I didn’t think I should be doing anything like that today and proceeded to tell her about my day.  She started laughing and quickly apologized, commenting that it was good to know other people had days like that.  Then I started laughing.  And it felt good.  We joked that maybe I shouldn’t leave the house — just order pizza and call it a day.

But after I got off the phone I realized that I didn’t need to be afraid to leave the house.  In one way or another I had gotten myself into a frame of mind that was affecting my whole day.  Whether I was conscious of it or not,  I believe I was drawing more experiences to myself that confirmed my belief that it was going to be a crappy day, which is exactly what I was having.  Once I lightened up, I was able to let go of that and things got a lot better.  And I learned something valuable.

PinocchioPrincipleMy experience demonstrates  the power our thoughts have over the way we see and experience things in the world, which directly influences the actions we take as well as the results that come of them.  I’ve written more about this dynamic in my new book The Pinocchio Principle: Becoming the Leader You Were Born to BeIt is now available on Amazon.  For more information or to download an excerpt, go to

Seven Powerful Lessons for Living that I Learned by Writing a Book


Well, my new book, The Pinocchio Principle: Becoming a Real Leader finally went to print on Tuesday, 1/11/11. The process of writing has been a truly rewarding experience full of highs and lows and as intensely humbling as it has been exhilarating. As I’ve reflected back on some of the things I’ve learned along the way, I was struck by how applicable these lessons are to life in general. And, being a writer and a coach, I feel compelled to share them in the hopes that they will be of value to you — if only in some small way.

Lesson #1:  When you commit yourself to something that you want with all of your heart, a series of events is set into motion that allows you to get what you most need. However, some of these events may not necessarily be what you originally wanted.

The idea for writing The Pinocchio Principle floated into my head and onto a page in my journal almost six years ago. I dabbled at it – wrote a little here and there, sometimes in long spurts and other times in trickles. It went back and forth from my desk to my shelf again and again. In the latter part of 2009 I began to feel increasing frustration as I never seemed to have the uninterrupted blocks of time I needed to really concentrate and bring the book to life. Lo and behold, in the coming months I saw some of my largest coaching and consulting contracts come to an end. By January of 2010 my practice had become sizably reduced. I initially experienced frustration, disappointment and sadness. And then I realized that I had been given the gift of time and space. Three months later the first draft of manuscript was finished.

Lesson #2: Everything always takes longer than you think it will (note that it took another nine months for me to get from a first draft to a finished book).

This is actually a fairly well known adage called Hofstadter’s Law. Hofstadtler adds that his law holds even when you take into account Hofstadtler’s law. This is especially true when you are doing something you have never done before. You will not know what you don’t know. And mistakes will be made. If you beat yourself up for them, you will only prolong your suffering — and your delays. However, if you acknowledge and embrace these difficult lessons, you will move forward with far more confidence and lightness. You will also have a lot more fun. And so will everyone else who comes into contact with you and your work.

Lesson #3: Everything you do will be infused with whatever you are feeling when you do it.

Before I fully embraced lesson number two, I would try to power forward in spite of the fact that what I really needed to do was slow down. Anything I wrote in that state felt awkward, forced and completely devoid of the energy and passion I wanted to invoke. And I ultimately ended up having to rewrite those passages anyway. When I learned to reconnect with my intention of wanting my readers to feel uplifted and inspired, the words that fell onto the page came far more easily — and often in ways that uplifted and inspired me as well.

Pay attention to the energy you pour into the projects you work on. If you feel resentful or irritated as you go about your tasks, chances are the project will invoke those same feelings in everyone who comes into contact with it. Choose to infuse your work with love and positive intentions and see if people respond in a different way.

Lesson #4: The paradox of success is that only when you forget about yourself and your ego needs and focus on what you can give to others will you actually find what you seek.

As soon as I began to worry about what others might think of what I was writing (or of me), my writing fell apart. It was as though my left hand was writing while my right hand was grabbing hold of my wrist and keeping it from moving the pen across the page. I became too wrapped up in my own self image and needing to look good, which completely disconnected me from my true purpose. And as a result, the inspiration came to a complete halt. However, as soon as I became conscious of these egocentric thoughts and deliberately refocused myself on wanting to deliver something that would truly help my readers, I was able to get back into the flow.

I believe the same is true with anything we do. As soon as we worry about what others will think of us, we fall flat on our faces and end up experiencing the very things we most fear. When we shift our focus from what we can get to what we can give, we have a far more fulfilling experience — and so does everyone else.

Lesson #5: There is power in partnership.

I couldn’t have written this book without the aid of an unbelievable number of people who may not realize how invaluable their assistance really was. My coach helped me recognize the pitfalls I was stumbling into and guided me gently back onto my path. My editor reworded sentences to make the ideas to become crisper, clearer and more engaging. My husband and a number of clients and friends were kind enough to read passages of my manuscript and give me feedback, and the more eyes I had viewing the pages, the better the work became. Friends who had written their own books shared sage advice that guided me along my path. My designer showed amazing patience as I continue to revise cover after cover.  Just as, if not more powerful than help in the mechanics of putting the book together was the support, love and encouragement I constantly felt from everyone along the way. Sometimes just talking through a concept helped me realize what I really needed to say and allowed me to more clearly articulate myself.

If you don’t have people around you who can be a sounding board, a coach, a mentor, a cheerleader – even a shoulder to cry on at times, I highly encourage you to seek people out who can support you in this way and rely on them often.

Lesson #6: Whenever you ask a question, you gain access to the answers you seek.

I actually wrote about this process in The Pinocchio Principle. Whatever you focus your attention on becomes illuminated. If you focus your mind on a question, you will find that the answers you seek begin to appear in various ways, often repetitively. They may come in the form of signs, information that you happen to come across, conversations you find yourself in, and even images that enter your mind. But you must pay attention in order to discern these answers, or you may miss them.

Some of the questions I held in my mind as I wrote The Pinocchio Principle included the following:

  • How do you breathe life back into work and truly tap your highest potential?  And how can you help others to do the same?
  • How can you be who you really are (and succeed) in a world that seems to want you to be someone else?
  • How can you successfully navigate through uncertainty (and help others to do the same) when everything around you seems to be falling apart?
  • How do you tap into your creativity and inner wisdom in such a way that you are able to find the answers you most need at any moment?

The act of writing The Pinocchio Principle allowed me to find the answers I was seeking in such a way that I realized in the end my truest reward was simply having written it —regardless of whether anyone actually purchased a copy or not.

Lesson #7:  Every dream worth pursuing will require you to go beyond what you believe to be your limits and push you out of your comfort zone.

There will be times when you question whether you really have what it takes to succeed.  You will have days where you feel as though the work you do comes easily and carries you away in a flow of its own.  And you will also have days where you will (literally or figuratively) sit and stare catatonically, immersed in the feeling of being completely, utterly stuck.

I have always believed that we are never given more than we are able to handle.  The discovery I made in this process is that sometimes you have to be pushed to your edge to realize just how much you are actually capable of.  The frustration, anxiety and doubt eventually do pass, but you may have to sit with them for awhile before they leave.  They are like clouds that temporarily block the sun and cast shadows everywhere you look, only to help you better appreciate the bright beautiful light of day that was really there all along.

Click here if you’d like to order a copy of The Pinocchio Principle, or go to for more information.

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